Parent Orientation Programme 2024- 25

 A parent is a child’s university! A teacher is child’s idol!

 A strong partnership between parents and teachers ensure that the child’s educational needs are met both at home and in school. It allows for open communication, collaboration, and shared insights, leading to be better understanding of the child’s strengths, weaknesses, and progress. This partnership also promotes a consistent approach to discipline, reinforces positive behaviour, and creates a supportive learning environment for the child. The programme started off with an invocation.

Parent orientation programme was scheduled on different Saturdays for different levels for the convenience of the parents.



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The Principal Smt. Leela Padma welcomed the parents and provided a brief overview of the academic plan for the year 2024- 25.

The parent orientation programme included presentations by school coordinators providing an overview of the school’s curriculum, policies, assessment strategies and expectations. Parents also had a chance to meet the teachers, and gain insights into the daily activities and routines of school. Short and meaningful videos were shown for the benefit of all. The videos gave incredible message on good parenting by eminent speakers like Smt. Sudha Murthy and renowned Psychiatrist Sri. ShreedharMaheshwari.

The qualified, talented and committed team of teachers were introduced to the parents across levels. There was an open house for the parents to discuss their concerns and clarify their doubts, if any. It was well addressed by the principal and academic coordinators.

Academic advisor Smt. Poorna and Vice Principal Sri. Sanjeev Kumar shared their views on how to nurture a child with care and concern to build the learners’ confidence. Parents and teachers vowed to work collaboratively for the progress of the students. The programme ended with vote of thanks followed by Shanthi Mantra.

It’s the teacher that makes a difference, not the classroom!

Chairman’s Message

Dear parents, Welcome to the Vagdevi Vilas family. At Vagdevi Vilas, we believe that every human being ( vyakti) has a latent strength (shakti) which is waiting to be realized. A strength which is moving towards perfection.

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